Computer Education, an Inevitable Necessity of the Modern World

Today, computers are used almost everywhere. Computer literacy is one of the most important and required skills. Every human being is standing in front of the need for a computer. Therefore, computers are significant learning and teaching factors for their entire existence.

Computer education can be put into two separate fields. The first one is the computer itself. A computer is an electronic device that can manipulate data or information, and it has capabilities to store, process, and retrieve data. Computers have a diverse capability of functions. You can use a computer to type documents, send emails, browse the internet, and play games. It also has the ability to edit or create presentations, videos, designs, spreadsheets, programs, software, applications, and artificial intelligence (AI) projects which are all coded using a computer. It comes in many different shapes and looks, like smartphones and even traffic lights, which are a different types of computers. The second part of computer education is the one related to the act of receiving or providing systematic education, particularly at a school or university. It can be defined as learners — how they learn, and as teachers — how to teach; which means it could be both. It starts from the basic level to advance.  The basics contain software, hardware, software systems, skills, and terminologies within a computer. The capacity of a computer system include is related to different issues, including how a computer could be designed to tackle severe issues, or how a computer can be utilized to solve everyday problems. The twenty-first century has seen the rise of computer education. It has grown in significance in today’s world. As a result, learning about the computer has become vital.


Bryar Laiq Faiq – Computer Education Department

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